Publicaciones de Blog

#Gracias a la ADA—NY

Northeast ADA Center Staff July 20, 2020

A medida que nos acercamos al 30 aniversario de la ADA, muchas personas están celebrando lo lejos que hemos llegado, además de reflexionar sobre lo lejos que aún tenemos que llegar. El Centro......

Dando sentido a los números

Northeast ADA Center Staff January 30, 2020

Recientemente, el Centro ADA del Noreste recibió un correo electrónico que pedía orientación para entender las estimaciones del nú......

Service Animals and Social Media (My Lassie Moment)

Christopher Sweet January 21, 2020

In June of 2018, Sarah Aswell, a freelance writer and comedian, posted an article titled If a Service Dog Approaches You without Their Owner, They Need Your Help on the......

All the Buzz About Emotional Support Animals

Christopher Sweet December 23, 2019

When I provide technical assistance to our various stakeholders that call into the Northeast ADA Center, a recurring topic is the use of service animals outlined i......

What Does Access to Voting Mean?

Northeast ADA Center Staff September 30, 2019

by: Joe Zesski Program Manager, Northeast ADA   In a recent September 25 webinar, Access to Voting, I discussed some of the laws protecting the right of people with disabilities to vote, such as the Americans with Disa......

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